Tenders & EOI | Debmarine Namibia

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Tenders & EOI

Queries should be directed to the email address and/or contact number indicated on the specific Tender or EOI as outlined in the advertisement Currently no Tenders or EOIs are available.

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Current Tenders

Debmarine Namibia procurement is conducted in line with the requirements and authorisations contained in the Public Procurement Act 2015, (Act No 15 of 2015) ("the Act"), Public Procurement Regulations 2015 ("PPR"), as well as related guidelines, procedures, and circulars as issued by the Government of the Republic of Namibia.

Provision of Inspection and Maintenance Services in line with DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) Standards to Debmarine Namibia


Closing Date: 13 Dec 2024 12:00 PM

Debmarine Namibia seeks experienced Service Providers who can provide DNV services in accordance with the DNV 2.7-1 Standard for Offshore Containers. 

Login or Register to download the Tender document.

Namibia leading in Marine Diamond Recovery

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